Your DMER and you

How to read your DMER Report

                                                                    How to read your DMER:


                                                                           Call Data tab:

                 The call data tab will show the number of calls that were taken and booked per category.


You can confirm this count by selecting the calls tab and entering in the date in the start and end date:

Sales Data tab:

The sales data tab will show the number of jobs ran for that day

Important note the original job scheduled date will be the day that any revenue is assigned to. As an example, if you book a job on January 5th and the job is not formally finalized until January 30th the revenue for that job remains tied to January 5th.

Reading the columns:


Calls ran will be the number of jobs you ran for that day. This will include any cancelled job as well.

Calls Sold; Sold calls are jobs that invoices that are above the threshold for the Business Unit. As an example, if you have a Sold Threshold of 50.00 and you show an invoice for 30.00 on that day. That invoice is not counted among the sold threshold as it’s not above the 50.00 mark that is listed under the business unit. If you would like to review how you have your business units set up, Select your person Icon then settings. Under the settings tab select Business Units to review the sold threshold.

On the DMER you have Maintenance, Service, Replacement and Other.

Your service types make up this data. Each service type will need to have a category assigned:

If the category section is left blank on the service type, then any revenue assigned to that service type will generate in the Other column.

To review if your service types are set up correctly select your person icon then settings. Under the settings tab select Service types. Click each one to review which category they have been placed in.


If you have a cancelled job the job will stay on this count unless the call result has been updated to cancelled.

To remove cancelled jobs from the DMER report your call should be updated to show cancelled. Select a call reason that does not have the highlighted box checked:

Wages & Materials:

This tab will only wages if you enter an hourly rate for your technicians.

Materials column: This column generates the totals based on the call date of the job. To confirm totals, you would navigate to the calls tab and review the booked jobs. To see the total cost of materials added to each one.


DMER tab:

Will showcase insights for daily/ Month to date, and year to date totals

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